Νέα & Εκδηλώσεις

The City of Bologna, in collaboration with the Villa Ghigi Foundation, is organizing the national
conference of the LIFE Clivut (Climate Value of Urban Trees) project.
Friday, July 14, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Biagi Auditorium of the Salaborsa (Piazza del
Nettuno 3, Bologna) kicks off the event dedicated to urban green design and management
strategies for adaptation to climate change that involve de territory.
Particular focus will be devoted to Italian pilot experiences (Bologna and Perugia) to raise
awareness of the project with a view to its replication.
Thanks to LIFE Clivut, coordinated by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of
the University of Perugia, the Strategy for Urban Green Management has been designed and
implemented in four pilot cities, Perugia, Bologna, Thessaloniki and Cascais, through a method
of co-design and co-implementation with citizens, businesses and students from elementary
school to universities.
The event is free of charge and is being accredited by CONAF (Council of the National Order of
Agronomists and Foresters).
It will be possible to follow it via live streaming on the City of Bologna's youtube channel.
Participants will be given a small gift.
For information you can email: info@fondazionevillaghigi.it

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