News & Events

SAVE THE DATE 1st of July 2022
LIFE CLIVUT (Climate Value of Urban Trees) is organizing a NETWORKING platform at Barton Park in Comune di Perugia with the aim of bringing together projects and initiatives to network and discuss good practices to support the urban context in designing and adopting strategies against climate change.

Representatives of European institutions, local authorities, LIFE projects and international experts will discuss the role of the urban context in the "European 2050 long-term strategy."
The meeting will be divided into thematic panels in which project referents will be asked to discuss the role of cities in climate change mitigation and adaptation policies.
We look forward to seeing you all! Sessions will be hybrid via Meet platform.

PARTICIPATION is FREE, with RESERVATION REQUIRED by 23 JUNE at the following link specifying if you attend in person or online.

Find below the agenda!

Click here for download Final Agenda

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