Notícias e Eventos

It may seem obvious but… there is no life without plants! That is why, since 2002, EU has identified objectives and strategies to safeguard our plants. These strategies to preserve biodiversity are born thanks to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which underlinded the importance to maintain variability on our Planet. In 2010-2020 EU strategy have been:

- understand and document plant biodiersity;
- preserve plant variability;
- promote a sustainable and equitable use of plant variability;
- raising awareness on plant biodiversity;
- building expert skills to preserve biodiversity.

As written in the 2020 Report by CBD, several steps have been accomplished. For example, it has been created the World Flora Online page to know all the 350.000
plant species of the world!! What is more, it has been created the Global Tree Assessment to evaluate the conservation status of known species. General progress towards the objectives have been different from Country to Country.

Among all the objectives, in situ conservation, the fight against invasive species and the sustainable use of plant biodiversity are the ones that still need to be improved. On the other hand, education and awareness programs on plant topic are becoming more and more popular.

The LIFE Clivut Project is a wisdom: citizen, Municipalities and Local Association engagement is essential to promote an eco-sustainable development and to safeguard plant biodiversity.

As the EEA Executive Director, Hans Bruyninckx, said to safeguarde the health and wellness of citizens we have to re-think “how we produce and consume food, how we manage the urban green forests”. Main elements of the Strategy for 2030:

1) Establishing a larger EU-wide network of protected areas;
2) An EU Nature Restoration Plan for degradated ecosystems;
3) A set of measures to enable the necessary transformative change through a strengthened governance framework.

Published December 15th

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